Saturday, January 22, 2011

Happy 1st Birthday Gray

ONE year ago yesterday we added another sweet boy to our family. Gray Bentley Anderson was born on January 21, 2010 at 7:41am. Sad to say he didn't have a fun birthday. He had 2 doctor's appointment, 2 shots, had to be woken up from 2 naps, dragged to soccer when ALL he wanted was to go to BED and then proceeded to FALL asleep in the car on the way home. He was not feeling well at all. The shots, I believe didn't agree with him, leaving him with a fever. So we didn't do his party until tonight. He still wasn't feeling well, but his brothers couldn't wait any longer. It wasn't the HUGE chocolate mess that we thought would happen. He honestly didn't eat much of the cake as you can tell by the pictures. Good thing he won't remember this birthday. Thanks for the birthday calls and cards. His first few weeks of life had us scared, but he pulled through and became stronger. Enjoy the pictures of Gray's first year.

We LOVE you Gray! We are so thankful that Heavenly Father blessed our family with such a sweet, loving, easy going boy! Sorry you had such a lousy 1st birthday, it can only get better from here. It was nice of you to not make such a big mess with your cake, had you been feeling better I think it would have been a different story. We have had such a fun year full of memories and we look forward to another year full of them. But let's aim for a HEALTHY year.

A little about what Gray has been up to lately!
* Rolls like a champ.
*Can sit himself up easily.
*Has two bottom teeth, but many more in the works:(
*Loves his blanket.
*Such a GOOD sleeper-usually goes to bed around 6:30 and is playing in his crib quietly until I come in.
*Big fan of Asher and Cohen.
*Loves his pacifier.
*Enjoys chicken nuggets, raisins, applesauce, mac n cheese and pancakes to name a few.
*Weighed in at 21.3 pounds at a year.
*Says "mama" and "dada" (Not sure he knows who we are yet, but it makes me feel special).
*Squeals at a pitch that should NEVER be reached by a person.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Sharing a last

Last Saturday when I was coaching church basketball, Zach was busy at home. Asher and Cohen have been wanting to share a room for awhile, but with Cohen not sleeping at all, it was out of the question. Now since he has been taking Melatonin it is a whole different story. One of the many things Zach did that day was put their bunk beds together. It has been working out really well. They are happy, we are happy since they go straight to bed. Everyone wins:)

Friday Night Soccer

Asher and Cohen started soccer a couple of weeks ago. They are on the same team, which is nice. There are I think 12 kids, and they practice for the first half and then they scrimmage each other the last half. Cohen was thrilled to get an orange shirt, and Asher is on the blue team. They have had two practices/scrimmages and they have improved each time. Nice to get some energy out of them and have them exercising. It's been good for them.


My new DOUBLE oven came a couple of weeks ago. It has been a DREAM having not one but two ovens to use. My old oven decided awhile back to work when it felt the need. When it was not in the mood it would code F1. So I would pull out the oven, unplug it and give it a nice swat and plug it back in. The best is when I REALLY needed it. It would work and then decide in the middle of baking to stop. I LOVE my new, reliable, double oven.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Christmas Morning

Yes, I am finally posting about Christmas morning. We had a great day!
Filled stockings.
Santa left Asher and Gray's gift by their name tags.
Cookies, fudge, Reese's candy and egg nog left for Santa.
Asher and Cohen waiting to come down Christmas morning. Gray was still in bed.
Gray's present from Santa. Asher and Cohen played with it all morning.
Santa brought Asher and Cohen a basketball game and some soccer gear. I think Zach and I were more excited than they were. It's been a lot of fun.
Asher's favorites included a new DS, mini marshmallow gun, new Pokemon Diamond DS game, new movies, moon dough, ant farm and new slippers.
Cohen's favorites included a DS, shark slippers, movies, pj's, Batman trio cave, mini marshmallow gun, ant farm and a DS game.
Some of Gray's favorites included, baseball game, shape sorter, sippy cup, onesies and a toothbrush.