Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Christmas Eve 2010

We had everyone over for our Christmas Eve tradition. It was a smaller crowd than years past, but we still had a great time. Here is a run down of our evening. Not pictured is our big BBQ feast. Thanks to Zach's work for over ordering for their Christmas lunch. It was tasty!!

Janelle did her magic with the chimes. The kiddos chimed their little hearts out to Jingle Bells.
Santa usually makes a visit, but was so busy he left his bag of presents, a note and left it on our porch. The kids waited so patiently to hear their names.
Asher and Cohen were excited to get their monster trucks they were hoping for.
Gray was more interested in eating the ball that was on the floor rather than his turtle car he got.
Then the pinata of course. We went youngest to oldest. Gray took a swing after Troy. Notice the "bat", we unscrewed the handle of the broom. No bats at our house. Lame, yes I know.
Cohen's turn. I feel like I need to explain this picture. We didn't have a blind fold, so we put the hood of a jacket over his face. That didn't last long. Yes, lame again.
Asher enjoyed his shot. The funny part, not so much for Zach, but they had to hold the broom half way up so it wouldn't hit Zach.
All kids went twice, the broom wasn't cutting it so we brought in the big guns...Chris. One hit and it was raining candy.
The kids hurrying as fast as they could to put the candy in pockets, bags and hands.
Janelle was the other pinata. The second go around when the broom wasn't putting a dent in it, Janelle would toss out a few pieces of candy and the kids thought they broke it open. Olivia was the best. She would hit it, then look around for awhile, then hit it again and then Janelle would throw out a couple of pieces and she puts the broom down and was so excited. Good times. Another great Christmas Eve. Hopefully next year we will have a bat and a blind fold.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

2010 Christmas Gingerbread House

Asher and Cohen have been so excited to make this gingerbread house. Since the day I bought it, they have been asking like 5 times a day if we could make it. It came down to me saying if you can't get along and do what I ask, then we won't be making it. I couldn't use that much longer as tomorrow is Christmas Eve an all.

Best one yet. We are holding off on the karate chopping until Christmas.

Notice Cohen's wink :)

Screamer Gray was excused from the fun. WOW. He is in the phase that the other two went through when they scream loud, high and ALL the time. He may look like he is crawling, but nope. His foot gets stuck and he then falls on his face, then is our roly poly. Totally is going to state and is favored to win. He is so fast. We are thinking when he turns 1 next month he will start crawling and then walking around 18 months. That would be on right schedule in our household. And we are just fine with that.

My boys.

Christmas Sunday

This years Christmas clothes.
(Can't say "outfit" because according to Zach boys don't wear outfits)
Sadly, I had the matching vest and tie for Asher but he has grown so much this year, by the time I took it back to exchange they were out. So he is sporting last year's vest. Cute boys if I do say so myself.
P.S. When did Gray get so big?

Saturday, December 18, 2010

So it has come to this.....

Zach noticed I went to the ATM the other day and took out some money. I told him not to worry about it. Not so much, he kept asking me what I bought. He then kept bugging Asher and Cohen and they said nothing for a while. Then, o then, he took this to a whole new level.

Zach: "Asher, I will give you ice cream if you tell me."

Asher: "A gun." With out hesitation.

Zach: "I didn't think he was going to tell me."

For the record, I really wasn't mad at all. It was actually killing me not giving it to him the night I got it. But I would have kept it a secret for one more week.


He can't stand being the only one in the dark about something. He is persistent that is for sure. He has shown me this gun a few times in the last several months. He didn't think I would remember what it looked like, but I showed him. It is a pretty sweet gun if I do say so myself.


Friday, December 17, 2010

My FAVORTIE new Combinations!

3 mg 20 minutes before bedtime

plus Cohen
Equals Cohen falling RIGHT to sleep when we put him down. Meaning no more in and out, in and out, and staying up WAY TOO LATE. On his four year check up, I explained my concerns to his doctor (whom I love) about his lack of sleep. She felt the same way and suggested we try this. It has been my FAVORITE suggestion EVER. Cohen now goes to bed at 7pm literally, and still gets up between 6-6:30am. But hey, least he is getting 11 hours of sleep.



On his 4th birthday Cohen decided he didn't want to wear pull ups anymore to bed. Came right out of the blue, his pull ups were always soaked. I agreed to it and since November 16th, he has had a hand full of accidents. But he has been dry for WEEKS now. I think it finally just clicked with him. So that definitely qualifies for my favorite combination.

School Christmas Programs

Let me just say that I am glad this week is OVER!! It has been filled with many late nights, gingerbread house making for Asher's class, candy making, hosting sister's lunch, and Christmas programs. I feel like there were other things, but the lack of sleep doesn't help with my awesome memory.
Cohen did a great job singing and dancing. He was the most energetic one there! Fun to see how much he has grown this first part of Pre-School.
Cohen and his teacher Miss Susan. After their performance, there were refreshments and Cohen got a plate and started piling on his cookies, bread, oranges and had like 6 mini cups of water that were gone. I had to pull him away from eating to get a picture, but the cookie had to come.
Asher is in the back row, to the right of the really tall girl. On the way over to school he was practicing his songs and telling me the levels they should be at and shouldn't be at. Just in case you were wondering level 2 is too soft, and level 6 is where they should be at.
They decorated the pre-made gingerbread houses, Santa came, and exchanged books. He had a great party.
Just as normal, it was time to karate chop the house the second we got home.
We are going to enjoy this winter break. It will be nice not rushing the boys out the door, not waking Gray up from his naps, catching up on my chores, and spending time together.

Breakfast with Santa

Last Saturday we had our Breakfast with Santa. It was a hit. The boys were so excited to see Santa and tell him what they want. It changes daily, but Asher said he wanted a "real life" elf and soccer stuff. Cohen wanted a "two shooter basketball game" and a monster truck. Gray is just hoping for two weeks of naps with out being interrupted:)

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Christmas presents opened a little early:)

Well, we waited until the 5th to let the boys open a present this year. I am not sure if this is a record or not. Anywho, it was fun to watch.

They were excited to get some pj's. Asher-How to train your dragon. Cohen-Perry from Phineas and Ferb. Hooray for Christmas.

Friday, December 3, 2010

When I grow up, I want to be a . . . . .

Asher is doing a unit on economics. They had an assignment on what they wanted to do when they grow up. Here is the paper he had to fill out and share with his class.

When I grow up I want to be a Cookie Baker.

I want to be a Cookie Baker because I can make
lots of cookies and money.

I will need to go to cooking school.

I will make $10,000,000.00 a year.

I don't know where this desire to become a cookie baker came from, but he kept to it all week. He made some cookies all by himself for his class. He made pumpkin cookies-perfect one to start off with-3 ingredients. Spice cake mix, pumpkin, and chocolate chips. He did everything. It was a LONG process, but fun to spend some one and one time with him.

Cohen is wearing the chef's hat I made before I found one to borrow from Chris and Lindsey. Wish I wouldn't have spent hours trying to make it.

Cohen wants to be a drummer when he grows up. Who knows?:)