Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Hooray for Christmas!!!

Asher and Cohen were so anxious to get our tree up and our decorations out of the boxes. It was like opening presents for them. They would open one lay it down and ready to find the next one. The living room was a wreck, ornaments everywhere, bags, boxes, decorations scattered all over.

In the end we have a clean living room, ornaments not on the lower area of the tree right next to each other, all decorations in their spot, and all presents bought, wrapped and under the tree.

Thanksgiving in Oklahoma

Last week we headed over to Oklahoma to spend Thanksgiving with the Anderson's. We had a great time and fit in as many things as we could.
1. Zach FINALLY got out to play disc golf a few times with the guys.

2. Took the kiddos to the park a few times.

3. Had a wonderful Thanksgiving with tons and tons of delicious food.

4. Went to see Tangled-which is great!

5. Family hair cuts by the great Genelle.

6. The guys saw Harry Potter.

7. Genelle and I went to Wal*Mart at 12am on Friday to go shopping. While paying a lady told me of a line already forming for a DS at 5am. So I had Genelle go back home and I stayed ALL NIGHT in line. Met some fun and some interesting people in the process. But in the end I got my DS. NEVER AGAIN!!!!!

8. I started a tradition with all the girl's going to Mimi's on Friday.

9. Had Zio's.

10. Zach took the boys to Ron's. Go Zach!!

11. Had a birthday party for Cohen with an AMAZING
Iron Man cake Tutu made.

12. Popo and Zach took the boys fishing. They caught and
ate their fish, which they enjoyed.

13. Watched the Cowboys get beat...sad sad game.

14. Bummed about missing the best game ever-UNR beating Boise State:(

15. Ate and ate and ate.

16. Had an early Christmas with all the family. We LOVED our gifts.

Cohen and Easton

Super model Addie

Gray LOVED swinging. He got a little sick the day before we left. By doing his Neb 3 times a day and his flovent twice a day, he is sounding better. He also got his first tooth last week! It's little but there and I think more are in the works. We had a great trip. Always fun to see the Anderson's and Oklahoma cousins. Until next time.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Some one call the Tooth Fairy

Asher lost his first tooth today!!!
He pulled it out himself.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Happy 4th Birthday Cohen

The day that has been the topic of conversation for Cohen has finally come...his BIRTHDAY!!! He has been so patient and so excited for his 4th birthday. He invited a couple of friends from school-Parker and Cannon. Asher invited a friend, the only other Asher we know that happens to be a month older than him. But he is known as Asher J (Cannon's brother). We went to Monkey Bizness and got some energy out-hopefully-then back to the house for pizza, cake, ice cream and presents. It was such a fun day. Here a few pictures of Cohen through out his years. Can't seem to locate his baby pictures at the moment.

Ah, the days when he used to sleep anywhere, anytime.

We are so thankful to have Cohen in our family. He has such a fun, energetic, sweet, caring, and loving spirit that he brings into our family. He makes us laugh and smile constantly as well as wanting to pull our hair out.

Some of his favorite things right now include:

Sword fighting with anything he picks up, staying up all hours of the night, loves to eat ALL day long, his brother's Asher and Gray, playing outside, not sleeping, his crocs, fishing, balls, preschool, eating, Dora, "shoot guns", and NOT SLEEPING.

Thanks for all the birthday calls and gifts. He had a great day and is already counting down until his next birthday.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

First Snow of the Season!!!

We have had such a beautiful, longer Fall than usual. Yesterday was 72-today high of 49 and snow. The boys could hardly wait to get
their snow gear on and have some fun outside.
Cohen- "Heavenly Father is throwing snow everywhere."

Love the snow, not so much the wetness of it

all in my house...boots, coats, gloves.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Family Pictures

Here are a few favorites from our recent family pictures.
Thanks Lindsey for doing such a great job!

Friday, November 5, 2010

Halloween Weekend

On Friday, we started our Halloween weekend with Asher's party and field trip. I volunteered to decorate my trunk for the kiddo's to come by and get a treat. This is my lame attempt at doing it. But, I just wanted to point out that I backed in-ME-. I am even in the lines and I didn't hit anything:)
Afterwards we headed off to Tagawa Garden, where they had several activities for the kids.
Decorating pumpkins.
Planting flowers.
Obstacle course and parachute games.
Friday night we carved our pumpkins.
Saturday morning we went to Boo at the Zoo.
Later that night we made our Haunted House.
Cohen enjoyed eating all the candy instead of putting it on.
A tradition the boy's have is karate chopping the house after they build it.
A fun, messy, tradition they have. Boys will be boys no matter how old.

It was a Happy Halloween!