Thursday, December 27, 2012

Brooks finally decided to walk

My little baby decided that he would try this whole walking thing. He started about a week ago. He is too little to be walking around. He can go upstairs but has not perfected the going down yet. He enjoys sitting on the couch by me. He is whine and jump around next to me and I finally figured out that he just wants to sit in the couch like everyone else. He is talking more and even holds his hands during prayers. He makes me smile.

Christmas 2012

Well Christmas has come and gone. This year the excitement was in full force. Gray really got into Santa, our Elf Bullet and the advent calendar. Asher and Cohen asked and got Skylanders from Santa. Gray got the Mickey Mouse clubhouse from Santa, which occupied his whole morning. Brooks got Jungle Junction(animals on wheels-a Disney show) race track.
Asher and Cohen started collecting the skylanders figures before they had the game. Grandpa sent UPC symbols for skylanders. After receiving those they were hooked. They have loved their new game. Even better though, they got a new XBOX as well. They had a great day.
Gray was probably my favorite this year. He is really into Mickey as you know, so getting the clubhouse with figures was the best. He sat down and played with that for a log time. He wasn't into opening other presents. We got him to open his jake and the neverland pirates ship from Grandma and Grandpa, a Mickey chair, Mickey books and a jake sword. He was set with those. He had 5 other gifts but didn't care to open them. So, I decided to save them for his birthday which is 3 weeks away. Why waste presents on making him open them? So his birthday shopping is done. I can't remember what he got from Mary and George at this second. We opened presents at Thanksgiving, so forgive me.
Brooks enjoyed his race track thing and opened his few presents. He got a race car walker from Mary and George and a few other things. He mainly liked sitting on gifts, playing with wrapping paper and boxes.
I surprised Zach this year with cowboy boots, well kinda. I bought him a pair in OK and I was stoked I would have an awesome surprise for him this year. He came back from OK and started looking at stores for some...Seriously?!?! I told him just not to buy any. I also got two of the pictures he took in Alaska on canvas's for him. He got a leaf blower from my parents, which he has wanted for awhile. He got a Yeti cooler from his parents. I didn't know a cooler could be so expensive. Super nice and will come in handy on his camping trips. So overall, good Christmas for him.
I had a great one. I got clothes from my parents, a new insta hot water tank from Zach, hope this one works. Asher and Cohen spent their money and had some help from Zach buying me a gift this year. They picked out candles for me. They smelled several before choosing two. That was by far the best. They asked Zach to take them shopping to get me a present. They had this whole story about getting farm equipment. I also got a new and bigger kitchen aide from Mary and George, and new slippers. Wahoo!! Awesome to make things in.
It was a wonderful year as we celebrated the birth of our Savior. Zach and I really tried to make the focus the birth of Christ for FHE. I hope they understand that we have been given the best gift of all, and that is our Savior and through him we can live together with Him, our Father in Heaven, and our families forever. I am so blessed with 4 wonderful boys, an amazing husband who works so hard to provide for us and is obedient and faithful in his calling so we as a family can receive blessings. I have great parents who raised me in the gospel and who set good examples for us to follow. Great in-laws who have always treated me as a daughter of their own. I love my siblings and my in-law siblings. I have an amazing life, which I am so grateful for.

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Oklahoma trip 11/12

We went to Oklahoma for Thanksgiving this year. Asher and Cohen fished all they could. They have actually graduated to being able to fish by themselves. They bait their poles and get the fish off the hook. This is exciting news for Popo because these boys want to fish all day
long and sometimes he is wanting to take a break. Now they can do it all on their own.
During this trip we had a birthday party for Cohen, Asher and Cohen had 2 sleep overs with Addie and Easton, lots of fishing, Black Friday shopping, time with our good friends the Anderton's, great Thanksgiving dinner, movie-Wreck it Ralph, Mimi's Cafe, hair cuts, games, bedlam-not going in our favor-, Ron's, Taco stand, disc golf, and family time.
It was a great trip. One of my favorite memories is when Tutu was cooking fish for the boys. They were outside fishing(as usual) and she called out to them that she was getting ready to cook some fish. Well a few moments later, Asher comes to the back door and says,"Tutu I got the fish for you to cook." This is all while holding a fish ready to hand off.

Just watching TV

This is the way Brooks likes to watch TV. Pretty funny!

Princess Gray....

We were in Target the other day in the party section. I turn around because Gray was talking to me. He had a tiara on his head and said,"look mom, I'm a princess." I could not stop laughing. He makes me smile when he isn't making me go crazy. Gotta love him.

Cohen's 6th birthday!!

I can't believe Cohen is 6. He is just the sweetest 6 year old there is. He has been such a joy to have in our family. He has the most adorable facial expressions that often makes you smile. Cohen has such a sweet spirit around him. He was star of the week in kindergarten this yer and they were filling out the all about me poster. One question was, I am special because, and Cohen's answer was,"I have the Holy Ghost". It doesn't get better than that.
For his party he invited 2 friends, Asher and his friend. We went to Build a Bear, which was a success.
The house was decorated as he likes it to be. I made sprinkled donuts for breakfast, and he had a red velvet bundt cake. It was a fun day and always fun to celebrate the birth of our Coney, CT, or Coco. I am thankful to be his mom and to watch him grow in all areas of life. He is doing really well in school. He loves to run and play basketball. Not a fan of me signing him up for soccer, but always enjoys it while he is playing.

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Happy Halloween 2012

Gray was pretty funny this year. He really got into it.

Asher-a Pirate

Until next year. Costumes already being decided for next year and the year after.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Disneyland 10/12

Zach and I surprised Asher and Cohen by taking them-just them- to Disneyland over fall break. We told them we were going on a "business trip" with Zach. While he was at "work" we would walk around and do our own thing.
The hotel we stayed at was directly across from the entrance. When we got there we walked to get some dinner and Asher saw the Disneyland sign and we played it off like it was a sign for the buses. Then he saw lots of Disney bags, and Asher said,"there must be a Disney store close by". I was thinking how many times can you lie to your kid?? Cohen was just happy to be there, he was oblivious to his surroundings.
The next morning we told them we were going on a walk before Zach went to work. As we were walking into Disneyland, Asher being very observant saw the garbage cans that said Disneyland and Jimmy Cricket on them was putting it all together. Finally, Zach handed them their Disney cards and we told them we were at Disneyland, they were in disbelief. They couldn't believe we were walking in. It took awhile for it to sink in, but they were so excited.
Mary and Ginger came to stay with Brooks and Gray.
It was such a fun trip. No strollers, naps, baby food. It was great. The park was crowded big time. More so than two years ago when we went. It was hot, but we still managed to have a blast. New favorite rides: Asher-California Screamin, Cohen-Splash Mountain and Thunder Mountain. We went for 3 days. We learned more about what we would do differently next time. Always good to learn.
I can't wait to go again!! I just have to talk Zach into it.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

I love this baby!!

Brooks is such a sweet baby. Here are a couple of recent fun pictures if Brooks. Sleeping babies are so precious.
Brooks doesn't care to play with toys, climbing in the cupboards is more fun. It was a struggle to get him out with out hitting his head.

Friday, September 28, 2012

A nice day to go to the zoo

The boy's has today off due to teacher work day, so what better way to spend it then at the zoo. It was 70 degrees, so nice out. We went to the sea lions feeding as well as the elephant feeding(which was awesome!!!). We had a great day. As our tradition goes first stop to get donuts, then zoo, then a stop at See's candy. I personally love this tradition. Anyway, a great day off!!

Friday, September 21, 2012

Gray's routine

This has got to be one of my favorite things Gray does. He LOVES this pair Mr. Potato head glasses. They have been stretched to the max that they fall off pretty easily. He will walk around the house with these on, take them to bed with him. It is so funny.
He also takes Asher's boots out of his closet and walks around the house, probably once a week. Hey he has a routine down. Glasses that are too small and boots that are too big.
Gray's personality is definitely coming out more and more each day. He is so funny and sweet. Crazy at times still, but really getting better. He makes me smile, frown, laugh, get frustrated and even cry at times, but I am so thankful I get to experience all these emotions with him. So grateful he made it through those scary times when he was 3 weeks old. We love you Gray Bentley Anderson!!!