Saturday, October 30, 2010

Cute Gray

I LOVE this boy!!!!!!
(yes the date is wrong, taken 10-27-10)

Friday, October 29, 2010


Here are a few more pictures from our wonderful
trip to the happiest place on earth.
We had some. . .

Trick or Treating times. . .

scary times. . .

bumpy times. . .

chasing bubbles times. . .

petting goat's times. . .

strong times. . .

dizzy times. . .

locked up times. . .

more scary times. . .

more strong times. . .

bumps and bruises times. . .

and temper tantrum times.

We LOVED Disneyland!!!!
So much we were kickin' and screamin'
that we had to leave.
Until next time, where we are looking
forward to so many more wonderful TIMES. . .

Friday, October 22, 2010


Disneyland was awesome! We left on Sunday afternoon and arrived in the late afternoon. We took a Disney Bus to our hotel, checked in and headed off for some dinner. We ended up at The Cheesecake Factory, which was delicious. Afterwards we went back to our hotel (which was right across the street from the main entrance-so nice) and went to bed to get some rest for our adventure!!!
The Cheesecake Factory was soooo good and much cheaper than eating at Disneyland.
Too bad we only ate out of Disneyland that night and spent too much money on not so good food. But we were having a great time and didn't want to leave the park.

The famous Castle entrance to Disneyland. According to Asher, once you walk out of the Castle you left Disneyland, even if you are going to California Adventure. It was pretty funny.

With our vacation package we were able to enter Toon Town an hour early to meet some friends. Asher was pretty shy, but not Cohen he went right up to the characters.

Our first ride-Mr. Toad

In line for the Tea Cups!

After the first day and Cohen was OUT. You know he had a long day when he falls asleep first.

On Tuesday it rained pretty much all day. So that was the day of shows. We saw Aladin-which was great-, It's tough to be a bug 3-D show (that is how Cohen wore his glasses), and The Muppets in 3-D. (On Monday night Zach was thrilled they had Captain EO, it was fun to watch) Asher really wanted to do the Jedi Training, but they cancelled that training because of the rain and had Darth Vader, Storm Troopers and Darth Mahl out to take pictures. Our camera was in the stroller and well got wet and stopped working. So you will notice the date on the pictures is not right. Later that night it started working again, but would take them went it felt like it.

On Tuesday night I got tickets for the kids to go Trick-or-Treating. Disneyland closed to the public at 6pm unless you had tickets. Let's just say that Zach did NOT like paying to get candy and definitely not waiting in lines to get it. So I encouraged him to take the boys on rides and I stood in line to get candy. The lines were short everyday and especially that night, so Zach went on Indiana Jones since that was the only ride the boy's were too short to ride. We were waiting by the exit and Asher fell asleep on the rock. Asher had right to be tired, we got there at 7am and left at 10:30pm, not stopping at all. All three days we got there when it opened and left when it closed. If you look at his pants they are soaked up to his knee's. It was rainy and kind of chilly while we were there. After the first day, Zach walked to Target which was 2 miles away to get us sweatshirts. We each had one pair of pants, one long sleeved shirt, and the rest shorts and short sleeved shirts. The next morning Zach was using the blow dryer to dry our pants and shoes. Poor Cohen's feet were soaked and were wrinkled like a raisin. They hurt him so bad he didn't want you to touch them. But he never complained once about his feet. This part I of our Disneyland trip. I will post more pictures that Zach took with his phone since our camera broke for a good part of the time we were there.

Thursday, October 14, 2010


So when you think work, does this picture come to your mind? Zach took his customer fly fishing on Wednesday. He had a great time. Life is hard for him sometimes:)

He asked if I was blogging and I said "yes", then he told me he emailed me the BIG fish he caught. Then proceeded to ask a few times if I saw it. I saw and thought, well, I guess this is blog worthy. Great catch Zach!!

When Zach was fly fishing, I had the privilege of driving his truck (we had to switch cars). Nice ride. This truck is a beast! Oops, sorry Zach is this on my blog? My bad.... He lasted 9 days with the van. The second he sold it on Craig's list (by the afternoon he put it on) he had his truck on hold. Gotta love him!!!

Primary Activity at the Temple

We had our yearly activity of planting flowers at the Temple today. It was a beautiful day to be outside and even better to be at the Temple doing service. The boys were so excited to plant flowers.
Asher was so funny. Very attentive when we were told how to plant.
He LOVED it!!!
Cohen enjoyed not so much planting as playing in the dirt and getting it EVERYWHERE!!!

Gray was a good usual!!!

A beautiful day!!!!!!

All the hard work was worth it....a GIANT COOKIE!!!

Friday, October 8, 2010


This is Cohen's favorite breakfast lately. The chocolate covered pretzels are a one time thing, but several mornings he wants chicken nuggets with all his dipping sauces. Pretty much makes me want to throw up.
I know this is exactly what I want first thing in the morning.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010


This is what 5 hours of school will do to you. He was pooped out after going from 8-1, then straight over to my sister's house for sister lunch.


This week Asher had Parent/Teacher conference, so he didn't have school on Tuesday. We have not been able to go to the zoo since school started. Well we picked up Cohen from school and headed off for an afternoon at the zoo. Great weather to be outside.

The drums are always a must.

This says something about our day when Cohen falls asleep!